самурайський меч

Nishio Budo Seminar and Examination

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Аnnouncing Sensei Takashi KUROKI (5th Dan Nishio-ryu Taido, 5th dan Iaido and 4th dan Aikido Aikikai) forthcoming Nishio Budo Seminar and Examination in Odessa 30-31.05.2009.

More information about Sensei Takashi KUROKI, please, find attached file PDF.

The event will be hosted by instructor of Nishio Budo – Yuriy Yatsenko (3rd Dan Nishio-ryu Taido and 3rd dan Iaido) in Odessa dojo of Yufukan Ukraine.

Contact – tel.: +38-067-725-51-07 (Yuriy Yatsenko)
webpage: http://nishiobudo.org.ua/dojo/odessa.html

Please note that participation might be restricted due to limited space on the tatami. Therefore early registration is recommended.

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